Friday, July 26, 2013

In April, Life Settled Down. In May, Life Got CRAZY!

  About the middle of May, I had a blog post all drafted out about nesting. I had been experiencing an intense nesting urge for the previous few weeks and believed that it had nothing to do with pregnancy and must just be because I needed to get our space ready for homeschooling. It was a nice little essay about the poetry of nesting and the noble purpose of preparing space to raise young and how it transcends time and nature and blah, blah, blah.  
  That afternoon, I got sick. Pregnant sick. I asked my husband to buy a pregnancy test. He asked why i couldn't do it and I told him that it was just too hard to take all three kids to the store. The truth was that I was just too embarrassed to buy a pregnancy test with three kids in the cart. Funny how the kids make me less embarrassed to buy condoms...He thought I was just being crazy and said he would buy the biggest box he could find so I would always have some on hand. He came home with a box of ovulation tests and had to go back out in the rain to get the right thing. The next morning I peed on the little stick and hopped in the shower without looking at it. 
  A few minutes later, hubby came in and after closely examining the thing said "Well, are you happy or sad?" I said I hadn't seen it yet and he showed me and asked me again if I was happy. I just sobbed. "Are you happy or sad?" He asked again. "Um, I'm happy, I'm happy." I said, not really believing myself. Now I can't run the Tulsa Run and I had hemorrhaged and had a seizure after my last delivery am pretty terrified to give birth again and I had had babies close together before and barely survived mentally, and how was I going to homeschool now, and where will we put another baby in our 3 bedroom house. These were  the thoughts that immediately bombarded me as I stood in the shower.  Isn't it awesome being a woman?
  The baby on the way turned out to be just the kick in the pants that I needed to motivate me to move. Keith had been wanting to move for several years and I kept telling him how much I loved our house and couldn't imagine living anywhere else. Also, I was terrified at the thought of actually packing and moving an entire house with kids. I don't even have time to do the dishes, how would I pack the entire house? Plus I just really don't like change or anything unexpected. My life would be pretty comfortable and boring if I had complete control.
  So we started looking at houses and quickly formulated an idea of what we were looking for. After looking at 6 other houses with our realtor, I fell in love with this house the minute I walked in the front door. The staircase is lovely, I have a thing for staircases. The floors are all wood. The bedrooms are all up. The kitchen is a beautiful remodel with black granite counters and dark wood cabinets. The living room has can lighting. The neighborhood has beautiful trees. I could go on and on. It took me several weeks and finally some very strong words to convince my husband that this was THE house. Once he understood me, he worked hard to negotiate and buy the house. 
  So I thank this little surprise bundle for already changing our lives for the better. It's really quite amazing what big change two months can bring to a family. Now I'm not so sure that four is enough and am thinking about how many kids we can fit into 5 bedrooms. My parents had ten. Hmmm, I might be getting a little crazy.