Thursday, August 15, 2013

Why We Are Blowing Off Our Third Week of School

  One of the many beauties of homeschool is that when real life happens, school can wait. Especially when the darling pupils are 5 and 4. We started our week on Monday and had a fun time wrapping up our unit about the sun. For a music and movement activity, we listened to Tchaikovsky and the boys danced around waving a ribbony sun craft that we made last week.

Boys can dance with streamers too.
But alas, all things become weapons. Even streamers.

  Then we got busy. My husband's grandpa passed away last Saturday. The funeral was Wednesday. On Monday afternoon I found out that my poor mother-in-law was trying to organize the lunch following the funeral. I thought it was unfair for her to have to make those arrangements so I volunteered for the job. I had to have my husband call her and insist that she let me do it. Seriously. The bereaved should not be responsible for feeding funeral guests. It was absurd. 

  So, Tuesday morning we were off to check on some catering options and I eventually decided to just make the sandwiches myself. We went to 2 grocery stores that morning and I spent the afternoon making 65 sandwiches and 2 batches of brownies, and locating all of my serving platters since we moved. No school that day.

  Wednesday morning was the funeral. I had my sister watch the kids because there was no way we could take them with us. Once again, no school. What an exhausting day! My husband is heartbroken, but he is not missing a beat. Once again, the responsibility of making a dinner plan for out of town relatives had fallen on my mother-in-law's shoulders. What is wrong with everyone?! So we had everyone over to our house that night. Ok, I'll be totally honest. My motivation was selfish because they were going to order some dinner and have it at the grandpa's house, where some of the family was staying. How depressing! also, my kids act terrible over there because there aren't any toys. Everything is just so much better when we are on our own turf. After the funeral we just wanted to rest but we cleaned up the house and got ready for the dinner. It was good for everyone and I know we did the right thing.

  Now it's Thursday and I can't get back in the swing of school. We are having perfect weather (I had goosebumps on my legs when I went outside this morning! It was 68! This time last year I was 39 weeks pregnant and it was 112) so I decided to let the kids play outside all morning and skip school.  This weather is just too unusual and too perfect to stay inside. We have a little boy spending the night tonight so I know we won't be doing any lessons tomorrow either. It is really ok. I am not worried one bit. We started too soon anyway. And besides, they are learning and their creativity is flourishing when they play outside. This is how Henry dressed for the park this morning.

  My goal for the weekend is to get the school room in better shape. I barely have it in working order. We basically moved and immediately started school. I thought I could organize as I go but it is just not happening. There is an Ikea desk to put together, I am planning on several hours for that! I also need to put the cards and things we use often on the wall along with the calendar so that morning opener can always be ready to go. I can't be filing through my notes to find the poem or song for the day, or showing the boys my little handwritten calendar, etc. We also need to make a display for the boys' artwork and I need to make a baby center where I keep several interesting toys that I change frequently to keep Everly busy while I work with the boys. I would love to paint that room but it's really not a priority. My kitchen is a worse color (it looks like a poopy diaper) so it will be the first painting project. Unless it gets bumped by the new baby's room. Hopefully, all this will be done so we can start next week in better order. In the meantime, I am going to enjoy taking the day off, and wash 4 loads of laundry and my kids will, undoubtedly, play outside.

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